
Small-scale Fisheries Conclusions

· Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Small-scale fisheries actors engage in global, regional and national value chains, but face challenges in securing market access and a fair distribution of the resulting benefits. Fisheries value chains are part of broader food systems. These food systems encompass all aspects of – and activities related to – food production, processing, distribution, sale and consumption, as well as their socio-economic and environmental impacts (HLPE, 2017). In a food system, factors such as climate, environment, infrastructure and institutions are linked to the value chain. For this reason, developing and improving value chains requires a comprehensive approach.

The SSF Guidelines provide a framework for such a comprehensive approach, and they recognize that sharing of knowledge is essential to overcome challenges and make progress towards securing sustainable small-scale fisheries. This technical paper was developed to mobilize action in this regard by documenting encouraging initiatives to implement the principles and provisions of the SSF Guidelines, in particular those contained in Chapter 7 concerning value chains, post-harvest and trade. The case studies explore key issues and challenges faced by small-scale fishers and fishworkers in obtaining market access, and showcase initiatives to promote and improve such access. The case studies were chosen for their potential to inform an international audience of development and fisheries professionals and stakeholders, with the intention of supporting national and international policies and policy processes to enhance small- scale fisheries value chains, post-harvest operations and trade, and ultimately inspiring further uptake and implementation of the SSF Guidelines.

It is hoped that the findings in this technical paper will support efforts to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – in particular Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 14.b: “Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets”; and Target 2.3: “By 2030 double the agricultural productivity and the incomes of small-scale food producers, particularly women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value addition and non-farm employment”.

Source: Zelasney, J., Ford, A., Westlund, L., Ward, A. and Riego Peñarubia, O. eds. 2020. Securing sustainable small-scale fisheries: Showcasing applied practices in value chains, post-harvest operations and trade. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 652. Rome, FAO.

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