

Introduction to monitoring

Scientific parameters A scientific parameter is a definable or measurable characteristic or a value, selected from a set of data. A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. In experimental science, there are usually three types of variables: 1) independent, 2) dependent, and 3) controlled. The independent variable is the one that the experimenter changes in order to measure or observe a response or an effect.

· Aqu@teach

Important parameters in aquaponics

In addition to monitoring the general physico-chemical parameters that are important for maintaining water quality in aquaponic systems, and the biological parameters that indicate the system’s performance and reveal potential problems with water quality, it is also necessary to carry out regular check ups on the performance of the technology (filters, water, air pumps, etc.). Technology Solids removal OPERATING PROCEDURE: A major consideration in aquaponics is the retention time and the removal of large particulate matter.

· Aqu@teach