

What is science, what is research? Basic terms

General definitions Science The word ‘science’ comes from the Latin word scientia, which means knowledge. Science refers to systematic and organized knowledge in any area of investigation that has been obtained using the ‘the scientific method’. The scientific method is the best method we have, to obtain reliable data about the world, which helps both to explain and predict different phenomena. Science is based on observable and measurable things/phenomena. However, there is no absolute scientific truth; it is just that some knowledge is less likely to be wrong than others (Nayak & Singh 2015).

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Scientific research methodology applied to aquaponics

The following case studies illustrate some of the different kinds of methodologies that can be used for research relating to aquaponics. The first case study is an example of social science research conducted using a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a tool for collecting and recording information about a particular issue of interest in a standardized manner. The information from questionnaires tends to fall into two broad categories – facts and opinions; very often they include questions about both.

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Fundamentals of scientific research methodology

Research methodology is a discipline of scientific procedures. It includes theory, analysis and guidelines for how research should proceed: how research should be conducted and the principles, procedures, and practices that direct research. Research methodology is the specific set of procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyse information about a topic. Since methodology can differ between different disciplines, therefore there is an assortment of different research methodologies which may not be appropriate for all research problems (Nayak and Singh 2015).

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